"La mayor parte de las ideas fundamentales de la ciencia son esencialmente simples, y deben, como regla, ser expresadas en un lenguaje que cualquiera pueda comprender".
A. Einstein

sábado, 31 de enero de 2015

Rock, paper, scissors

Hi kids,

I saw a video that stands that winning always at "Rock, paper, scissors" game is possible. I remind you the rules:

It looks that it is random, but there is a game theory behind that explains that when one player wins, he or she tends to repeat the same option, but if he or she loses, then changing is more repeated. Have a look at the video and tell me your conclusions in the comments:

jueves, 29 de enero de 2015

Algebraic fractions

Hi kids,

here you have the review for Algebraic fractions. You can also see in Math is fun. If you want to download the algebraic fractions worksheet we were working this week, click on here. The answers are at the end.

Take care,

domingo, 25 de enero de 2015

Unit 5. Decimals

Hi kids, we are now starting unit 5, it is about decimal numbers.

I post you here the class notes in English. I also link the unit in Spanish, just in case.

We are going to study this unit in a different way. As you are working on the city in English, I prepared several projects so that you can apply decimal numbers to real life in city. Have a look at this link. I will give you more information in class.

Here you have the extra exercises with their answers. Don't hesitate and ask what you need.

In case you want to go over this topic, have a look at this Decimal numbers page and Units, tenths and hundredths in GeoGebra.

Take care,

lunes, 19 de enero de 2015

Blue monday

Buenas noches,

espero que hayáis sobrevivido con alegría al blue monday, por lo visto existe una fórmula que indica que hoy es el día más triste del año. Es esta:
¿Qué os parece?

martes, 6 de enero de 2015

Feliz 2015

Ya llevamos 6 días de 2015 y todavía no os he felicitado el año... Pues eso, que FELIZ 2015, número de triángulos rectángulos y año con "blue moon", como dice el siguiente artículo.

Sed felices.