"La mayor parte de las ideas fundamentales de la ciencia son esencialmente simples, y deben, como regla, ser expresadas en un lenguaje que cualquiera pueda comprender".
A. Einstein

domingo, 6 de noviembre de 2011

Surface area and Volume, part I

Hi all,

these days we have been working in class with surface area and volume of some geometric shapes. I leave you here some links to go over the most important ones:

Platonic solids (tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, dodecahedron, icosahedron)
Cylinder, cones, sphere

Remember that you have to present by the end of this week your work including:

1. Description of your shape
2. Net
3. Surface area and volume
4. Examples in real life
5. Problem

(Deadline: friday, 11th of november)

If you want to practice or get some ideas or pictures, you can find more exercises here:
Surface area of a cuberectangular prism, pyramids and conescylinder, cylinder and prism,

Volume of a cuberectangular prism, prism and cylindertriangular prismcone,  pyramid and conecylinderpyramidsphere

Volume and surface area of sphere

Take care,


2 comentarios:

  1. Hola Anónimo. Primero, te pido por favor que te identifiques para poder ayudarte mejor, y segundo, dime en qué consiste tu duda y si te la puedo aclarar. Saludos
